The latest Family Court statistics has revealed that the number of application under the MCA to the Court of Protection are running at record levels. Between January and March 2018, there were 8,089 applications and 10,262 orders made in January to March 2018, up 3% and 15% respectively – the highest quarterly volumes seen since these records began.
Just under half (48%) related to applications for appointment of a property and affairs deputy. In comparison, there were 10,262 orders made under the MCA, up 15% on the same quarter in 2017. A third (33%) of the orders related to the appointment of a deputy for property and affairs. The Bulletin Editors also note the continued increasing trend in applications and orders made in relation to deprivation of liberty There were 1,213 applications relating to deprivation of liberty made in the most recent quarter, up 25% on the number made in January to March 2017. Similarly, orders made for deprivation of liberty increased by 17% over the same period, from 547 to 639 respectively. However the rapid growth in the number of LPAs applications received in 2015 and 2016 seems to be abating. In January to March 2018, there were 192,469 LPAs received, up 3% from the equivalent quarter in 2017. EPA applications were also down with 2,540 received, down 25% on the equivalent quarter in 2017. The full Bulletin can be read on the website - see ages 12 & 13. Contested application for the appointment of a new deputy for property and affairs and a new trustee when the existing deputy, who was a family member, wanted to stand down. The appointments were made because there were no other family members who would be suitable.
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