A reporting restrictions order was continued until further order which prohibited the identification of the Patient. In this judgment Mr Justice Charles discusses the balancing act between the default rule, which is that hearings should be held in public, and the article 8 and 10 rights of the P's children.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii P, who suffered from anorexia nervosa, was detained under s3 of the MHA. The court approved the plan of the Health Board which was that the P should now be discharged into the community with a closely thought-out package of support for her and her family, Mr Justice Jackson saying that the possibility that the withdrawal of inpatient mental health services will bring about a change for the better may not be very great, in his judgement it was the least worst option from the P's point of view.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii The new online LPA application forms and increased publicity has seen the number of LPAs rise by 40% in the last quarter of 2015, according to the latest report published by the Ministry of Justice.
The statistics, buried deep in the report, show that there were 134,363 Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) from October to December 2015, the highest quarterly figure so far. EPAs were down 13% with 3,261 EPAs being registered from October to December 2015. The report also notes that DOLs applications have trebled in the last year, and following the Supreme Court decision in Cheshire West, with numbers increasing successively from 109 in 2013 to 525 in 2014 to 1,499 in 2015. 489 of those 2015 applications were made between October and December 2015. Finally of note, 4,353 deputies were appointed between October and December 2015, an increase of 8% on the equivalent quarter in 2014. The full report can be downloaded from the Ministry of Justice website here. |
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