A short judgment ordering that the RRO which was previously put in place would continue.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii A RRO was extended, out of hours, for a further 7 days following the death of the P (see Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v C and V [2015] EWCOP 80) to enable an effective inter partes hearing to take place.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii This began as an application by a family member to be appointed as a joint deputy for property and affairs with the existing deputy, East Sussex County Council. When it became apparent that the Council was unwilling to act jointly with him, the applicant revised his application and asked the court to remove the Council as deputy and to appoint him in its place.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii The Office of the Public Guardian has published it's safeguarding policy
The policy supports the Public Guardian’s role in safeguarding, and sets out how OPG will "work with other agencies to recognise and manage suspicions, allegations and findings of abuse of adults and children at risk, who are within the Public Guardian’s remit." The policy is underpinned by six principles, identified as:
The full document can be downloaded from the OPG site here. The court ruled that the Patient had capacity to decide not to accept life sustaining treatment and the court had no jurisdiction to interfere with the decision making process. Accordingly, although rightly brought, the application of the Trust for declarations under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 were dismissed.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii |
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