The Office of the Public Guardian has published a short guidance note for attorneys and deputies setting out additional steps where a person lacks capacity to consent to the vaccine.
You can read the guidance on the website. A refreshed set of standards to help court appointed deputies in their duties has been published on the OPG website.
As explained in the accompanying blog post, the standards are not new but have been refreshed following feedback that the existing standards for public and professional deputies could be simpler and to plug a gap for lay deputies. The full collection of standards is available on the OPG website. The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has announced the appointment of 22 new Court of Protection General Visitors and the re-appointment of a further six.
Recovery of “litigation” costs incurred by a professional deputy in the Court of Protection2/7/2020
Over the past few years Paul Cruickshanks of A&M Bacon has seen an increase in costs “disallowed” within Court of Protection assessments as they “should be claimed within the litigation proceedings”. In this article he explores the types of work that may be “disallowed” for these reasons and offer some advice and tips on how you can ensure this work is recovered.
Court of Protection applications up, orders made down: latest Family Court Statistics published13/12/2018
1,126 applications relating to deprivation of liberty were between July and September 2018, up 5% on the number made in the same quarter last year. However, orders made decreased by 7% over the same period, from 569 to 610 respectively.
Alongside those proceedings, 7,900 applications were made under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA), down 2%, 53% of which related to applications for appointment of a property and affairs deputy. In comparison, there were 9,148 orders made under the MCA, 9% down, 33% of which related to the appointment of a deputy for property and affairs. As for LPAs, 201,753 were received, up 4%. The rate of increase is now leveling off after the explosion of applications following the introduction of online applications in 2015. There were 2,480 Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) in July to September 2018, down 11% on the equivalent quarter in 2017. The full report and accompanying table can be found here. |
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