Objection to an application for the appointment of a deputy for property and affairs. Senior Judge Lush refused to appoint the applicant as deputy.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii 10 test cases before Mr Justice Charles where he had to decide in particular whether the subject of the proceedings (P) should be a party where welfare orders were being sought to authorise deprivation of liberty.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii Reconsideration of a decision dismissing the respondents' objections to the applicant's application to be appointed as her mother's deputy for property and affairs, principally because the daughter lived in the USA. The respondents' objections were dismissed, the judge saying that the fact that someone lives outside the jurisdiction should not be an impediment to their appointment as a deputy if, in all other respects, they are the most suitable candidate to be appointed and their appointment is in P's best interests.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii Contested application for the appointment of a deputy for property and affairs.
Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii - full summary coming soon. NHS Trust's application to set aside or vary an order that a Section 49 report should be obtained in a case involving a challenge to the standard authorisation pursuant to Section 21A of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Application refused.
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