Judgment concerning P and whether she should be removed from her family home for assessment
Fact finding hearing and capacity judgment arising from allegations about the behaviour of the second respondent, DA, towards her mother, CA.
Application by ICB to extend an injunction designed to project MK from being directly exposed to conflict between AK, her son, and the siblings or carers.
Best interests decision concerning HER's medical care where he sister, SR, was opposed to the Trust's recommended treatment.
Court of Appeal judgment concerning the legal test to be applied by the Court of Protection when considering an injunction.
The court made an injunction against the son of the P restraining him from communicating with the court office by email and telephone.
Does the Court of Protection have the power to grant injunctive relief? Yes, said the court.
Application to prevent publication of a video of a patient, P, in her treating hospital. The application was granted.
The court made an order for committal to prison after the Respondent was found guilty of impersonating the P and incurring cost on the P’s behalf that he was not authorised to do. The Respondent, who did not attend the hearing, had been ordered not to contact the P or come within 100m of his house. This hearing was to determine whether he had breached those orders.
The court found that the Respondent had impersonated the P and had also incurred cost on the P’s behalf that he was not authorised to do. He was sentenced to 4 months in prison. Read the full text of the judgment on Bailii |
Case summaries on every Court of Protection case & other relevant decisions with links to the full judgment where available.
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