Application brought by the CCG, with the support of the P's family, that CANH should be withdrawn from the P. The application was granted.
Application by Manchester University NHS Trust for a declaration that the P, who is a Jehovah's witness, lacks capacity to conduct proceedings, and to consent to treatment on her left leg, and that it is lawful and in the P's best interests for her to be given blood products if it becomes clinically necessary during an operation on her left leg. The application was granted.
Judgment was reserved in a case where the question was whether the P has the capacity to consent to sexual relations.
The court had to determine i) whether the P had the capacity to marry, to make a will and to enter into a prenuptial agreement; and 2) whether he should be told about the amount of his estate. The court ruled that all applications should succeed.
Application by the CCG which proposed an extensive package of care for the P at the family home, with (most of) the financial arrangements managed by a third party broker. The application was granted despite it being opposed by the P's parents.
Application brought by the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust for declarations that it is in the P's best interests to undergo a hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (HBSO) and a colonoscopy, and that, in order to enable those to be undertaken, it is in her best interests for a transfer plan to be implemented which will involve her sedation and a level of deception to ensure her presence at hospital for the procedures to be undertaken. Application granted.
Case summaries on every Court of Protection case & other relevant decisions with links to the full judgment where available.
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