Short judgment concerning committal where the court first had to determine whether the subject of the committal order had capacity.
Read the judgment on Bailii Appeal arising from contempt proceedings where the appellant, the mother of P, has been sentenced to a custodial sentence but had fled to France.
Judgment concerning capacity, care planning and deprivation of liberty for EM an 18 year old girl with a diagnosis of ADHD and ASD.
Decision about KZ, a 20 year old deaf man, and his capacity to decide on residence and to refuse contact with his parents.
Application by Trust seeking declarations as to whether CC, a 21 year old woman whose life is in danger as a result of anorexia nervosa, had capacity to conduct proceedings, and to make decisions concerning her medication and treatment.
Fact finding hearing and capacity judgment arising from allegations about the behaviour of the second respondent, DA, towards her mother, CA.
Judgment about continuing recognition and enforcement of orders made in the Irish High Court concerning the ongoing treatment and liberty of SM, a 24 year old Irish citizen.
Application for declaration that NN lacked capacity to decide on termination of her pregnancy and that a termination was in her best interests. Also, a costs application by the OS arising from delays in making the application.
Case summaries on every Court of Protection case & other relevant decisions with links to the full judgment where available.
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